Seerah for Kids: Introduction and Resources

Seerah for Kids: Introduction and Resources

Seerah Study and Resources

A while ago we started our Seerah Studies with the goal that Allah will instill the love of His Prophet Mohammad SAWS in our children’s hearts and that they learn to follow the Prophet’s Sunnah.  

It is also important to supplement the Seerah study with the hadith study so that children can begin to understand the reason behind studying the Seerah. At the same time trying to get children to think of how the Prophet SAWS would have acted in different situations especially when they find themselves in tough and difficult situations. (Would the Prophet SAWS have shouted in that way to his friends, should you shout like that to your sister?)

Teaching children how to pray upon the Prophet Mohammad SAWS will also build an important lifelong habit, start small for example by asking them to pray upon the Prophet at least ten times daily. Remind them how every time someone prays upon the Prophet, he returns their Salam.

May Allah ingrain the love of His Prophet in our hearts and the hearts of our children InshAllah.

Useful Resources for Seerah Study:

  1. Seerah of Prophet Mohammed (Make sure you scroll all the way down to find the links!)

2. The Sealed Nectar

General reading, but for me to brush up on my facts and to summarize as it is quite difficult for kids.

3.The Atlas of the Prophet’s Biography free from Google Books

This is great for detailed maps and pictures–pdf

4. Excellent Free Seerah Books

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